So, I want to control remotely because lets say this device wont be ONLY 1 piece, lets say im taking the things to the next level, i want 1000 devices in 1000 locations on 1000 different phones that will acces them. Thats my approach, I’ve been given advices like a web server to control the RPi device, but that wont cut in my opinion because although its easier to me to create a control point for the RPi it will be much harder for example for someone who dont know how to acces a specified web page and control the device like that, so my thought was ohh, lets make an app, and easy one: when you enter the app you just introduce your RPi IP so the app connect your RPi device since every RPi has different IP, if you have more devices you just add “+” and introduces all the RPi IP’s and voila you have them all there, after you have a list with all the RPi or only 1 RPi you select it and you have your customization, lets say, I want x sound for 2s, or for 3s, then y sound for 2s, or for 3s, but then i want to change the sounds or modify the seconds, or add an z sound to the loop, and another costumization point, the distance(i know in sound domain the distance its not something EXACT, you cant just set the sound to reach 100m and it will stop exactly there after 100m you wont hear anything), lets say i want to device to reach 70m, or to change to 50m, simple things like this.
Also I want my device control remotely because I dont want to be near it when it’s functioning all the time, I want to be able to control it and change it to my own demands from afar.
I hope I cleared any question on why I want an app and to control it remotely, however guys the question stands, in your opinion can it be develop such an app to be connected to an RPi?
Another question would be, can I wire to the RPi another device, cause ok, I have the sound system, which will clearly have a TDA amplifier and speakers, so the RPi will be linked to TDA amplifier and the amplifier to the speakers so I can have clear sound and good distance reach, BUT CAN I ALSO wire to the same RPi a surveillance camera and watch through the app what the cameras are seeing and maybe if I buy some professional camera can I also introduce in my app/RPi an alarm when a movement is caught by the cameras or should it be also on the sound part, lets say I want my sound to reach 70m and within that range if an animal/human enters should i get the alarm through that? Which will be the easier way here to detect movement by the camera or by the sound and after that to send and alarm in the app so the cameras can be checked?
I know this sounds pretty complicated for a project, but I kinda got a thing for this device and maybe I dont want it to let it at the level of just a project so my implication and my research are very focused on pulling this out and I hope you guys can help me. 
So pretty much I want my RPi be linked with a sound device which in my mind and from what I’ve read so far would be good to have an amplifier and good speakers to have the outcome I want so in the sound part RPi–>TDA amplifier—>Speakers and the sound part should work and then figuring out the app connection and control, AND the second part, the surveillance camera which I would also want to wire it to the RPi since I want to check them from my specific app.
What I want to specified again, my device wont generate sounds, it will EMIT the sounds CHOOSEN with the app, music, simple sounds, etc. so he will not generate random sounds.
Guys, thank you again and I know it’s alot what I’m asking but if I can manage to pull this off I will always be grateful to you guys, that is how passionate I am about this and I know I sound like a beginner and a novice which I am to be honest, because compared to others project mine is very different and complicated and It’s so hard to get information from internet about this because everyone It’s saying opposite things and you guys sounds like experts to be honest and here is all my hope at this point.
Thank you again!