This from the Adafruit .pdf for the BN085 makes me think it might be difficult to get I2C to work in Circuit Python for the PiicoDev TX/RX board. Although it does say operation with the RP2040 (Pico) is more reliable.
As far as I know the PiicoDev board follows the I2C protocol correctly.
I don’t use Circuit Python because I have found Micropython to be better, Adafruit have a strange way of implementing Python on the Pico, or it seems strange to me. Also I find Adafruit products to be too expensive for what they do. Might be cheaper if I lived in the USA.
The code I have written so far is using circuit python environment (BNO85 uses this and won’t work with Micropython), however the Picodev Transceiver is set up to use a MicroPython environment. How do I go about transmitting and receiving data using the PicoDev Transceiver 915Mhz in a CircuityPython environment?
Quick answer.
The and would need the I2C sections to be adjusted to use the way CircuitPython handles I2C.
Long answer.
Because I like playing with this stuff. I will load a Pico with Circuit Python and see if I can get it to work with the PiicoDev TX/RX board. And post results here. But, it may take some time before I have an answer though.
Well I have an answer quicker than I thought but not one that will help much.
My investigation of Circuit Python confirms my thought it is just to clumsy to work with; due to the way it handles I2C. The Micropython drivers developed by Core Electronics cannot be easily converted. Most likely they need to be written from scratch and I am not up for that or capable of doing that. Micropython makes interaction with I2C devices relatively straight forward and I think I will be sticking to it.
Probably getting the BNO85 to work with Micropython might be quicker than getting the PiicoDev TX/RX board to work with Circuit Python.
I think you might be right. I’m looking into using the ESP32 and connecting bno85 via SPI (as “The BNO08x I2C implementation violates the I2C protocol in some circumstances”).
I do require an ESP32 that supports Bluetooth in CircuitPython environment though. Am just investigating this. Do you know of a good option?..
I have just got the Pico Ws connected via UDP wifi and the response is “real time”… From reading further into wifi; bluetooth is more commonly used for real time applications so I may switch if it will perform better in my application?
I’ve changed the Wifi from TCP to UDP and the response rate in response to information from one sensor seems to perform well. Will Bluetooth be better than UDP Wifi for “real time” application (reading from 4 independent sensors)? Or is the difference insignificant in wearable application (perceived by humans)
From looking through some of your other topics it might be worth contacting a professional engineer or consultant to either assist or complete the project (from mentioning commercialising it) they’ll be able to help with some of the points that Makers don’t often run into.