Sensors: Driveway alert systems to keep pedestrians safe!

What sensors do you think would be best to detect a car?
What sensors do you think would be best to detect a pedestrian?


Hi Eftalia,

If you were looking to tell the difference you could go for a whole range of sensors, a load cell would be my first idea, measuring from 80 kg for an average human vs 500+ kg for a car.

Another method would be to use a camera with visual recognision software - see Tims video:

A better question might be, what traits are different between a car and a pedestrian and how can I measure them?


Depends on how we define detect. Do we need to collect any information about it? Or do we just want to know that it exists?

If the latter, and depending on the environment, an ultrasonic or PIR sensor may do the trick, but it’ll also depend on what you need to do with the information you collect, is it going to trigger something? Do you need to count the number of triggers? Do you need to identify what the object was? etc.


Hi, thanks for your response. Yes, I’m planning on that sensor to trigger a flashing light to alert pedestrians once a moving car is detected exiting their driveway. I am also planning on doing the opposite so the driver is alerted when a pedestrian is walking past their driveway.


Hi Eftalia,

I’d imagine that you could do so by using an ultrasonic sensor mounted in the correct position behind the car. If you get a weatherproof ultrasonic transducer placed just where the car will be passing through as it leaves, you can use a microcontroller that picks up the change in distance to trigger an alarm or flash a light as you’ve described.