Set up for TFT display with Pi

Hi fellow makers,

I’m trying to get a 5.6 TFT diplay to work with me Rasberry Pi. I dont have a lot of experience with this sort of tech so reaching out here for some advice. The screen dosent have an HDMI input so I’ve purchased a couple of boards to see if I can get it working.

The screen in question is this one:-

The manufacturer says that it will work with a Pi. I’ve got a 4B. Ive also purchased the following boards at the recomendation of a few people but havent had any luck putting it together…


If anybody has any experience with this sort of setup and could provide some advice it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading


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Hi Tristan,

TFT LCD displays are a bit tricky as there isn’t necessarily a given standard they all operate with that makes them compatible in the way HDMI or another protocol does.
While all of those boards do use the same 40 pin ribbon cable that doesn’t mean they are all speaking the same language.
I can see that the display you have says it uses a 18-bit RGB interface whereas the Adafruit decoder runs with 24 bit colour pixel data. I’m not sure what interface the MIDAS board uses.
Both decoders do have a list of displays they are compatible with and in almost every case a TFT display is manufactured to work with a paired decoder in mind.

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Thanks Trent, I’ve gone back to the supplier and they have said that I need a specic controller but will then need to write the software to get it to work. I’m a bit out of my depth here. Wondering if you know of anybody I could pay to get the setup working?




Hi Tristan,

For a smaller project such as this, I would recommend taking a look at some local makers on Fiverr to see whether anyone can help get that running for you. Otherwise, asking whether anyone can help at a local MakerSpace would be your best option. All the best with your project! Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can help you with from here.