Ultra Bright 3 Watt Chainable NeoPixel LED - WS2811 (ADA4544)

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Better grab your sunglasses, your sunscreen, and a bucket hat because these NeoPixels feature a 3W RGB LED and are so bright it’s like taking a vacation ON THE SUN. Alright maybe Adafruit are exaggerating, but these are really bright.

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Great lil boards, have been meaning to get my hands on one after Murray’s sweet Borg cube project and the forum topic exploring why sometimes the clock-less protocols weren’t working.

Some notes:

  • I had to change the colour output, not uncommon for LED strips - the format for mine was GRB, instead of GlowBits - RGB.
  • My default code tried to address 300 LEDs (not the single one connected) - after setting it correctly at one behavior was a-ok


Looks very bright and beautiful. Wish to use these someday.

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