Weather APP installation

Hello Core Electronics,

I hope you are doing fine, I am trying to make weather app same as shown in your video :Raspberry Pi Rain Radar & Weather Dashboard - YouTube
I am following the steps as per given in : Raspberry Pi Rain Radar and Weather Display - Tutorial Australia

cd Downloads/

git clone GitHub - elewin/pi-weather-station

cd pi-weather-station

curl -sL | sudo bash -

sudo apt install nodejs

npm install

npm start

But when i enter the npm install it do not do anything Do you have any other way to run this app. or solution

my Raspbian version is GNU/Linux 11 (Bullseye)
kernel: Linux 5.15.76-v7l+

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Hi Balvinder,

Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

I can see at the top of his tutorial document @Tim has recommended using the Legacy “buster” version of Raspberry Pi OS.
I’m not sure if the libraries that the project use have been updated to support the newest “Bullseye” branch of Rasbperry Pi OS yet, but that would be the first thing to try.

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Hey mate,

Definitely hit up Buster OS here is a guide to install it - How to Flash the Old 'Buster' Raspberry Pi OS to a Micro-SD - Tutorial Australia

Then your system will work (if not come back here and I’ll make sure it does).

Kind regards,

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