23 July 2021 06:23
Hey Elvis,
It doesn’t have one, you need to determine the settings which would be appropriate for your battery and set it up as a custom profile in the PiJuice GUI, the readme file in this GitHub repo covers this quite nicely:
# Hardware

The above images of the PiJuice PCB are used in the following descriptions to highlight some of the inputs / outputs and other useful hardware information.
## Switches
On board the PiJuice, highlighted in green in the above overview images, there are momentary switches and one DIP switch (PiJuice HAT only). Please note that SW1 and J5 on the PiJuice HAT have the same function. On PiJuice Zero J5 is equivalent to SW2 on the PiJuice HAT rather than being connected to same circuit as SW1. J5 has been provided so that a separate tactile pushbutton (normally open NO) can be added for ease of use for example on a custom case (similar to a reset or power button on a normal computer). When adding a button to J5 on either the PiJuice HAT or PiJuice Zero you can either use a 2 pin header to attach wires or you can simply solder wires directly to the PCB. With a SPST momentary push button that is normally open (NO) there is no directionality so it doesn't matter which way round it is. You also do not need to use a resistor in line with the switch.
The following lists the default function/configuration (these can be easily overwritten in the software GUI/JSON file - see below):
### Buttons
#### HAT
* **SW1/J5** is power button by default:
* Single press to power on (release in less than 800 ms)
* Long press of at least 10 seconds to halt
* Long press of at least 20 seconds to cut power
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We’ve had similar questions to this before in this other thread that you may want to read through too. For a 6000mAh battery such as this, you can likely use just about all of the settings for a 5000mAh cell, then slightly up the charging current if you want the battery to charge faster (check the max safe rate for charging your particular lipo based on the capacity, chemistry, and number of cells) and correct the battery capacity in the profile, please let us know if you have any further questions.
Hi Core,
I recently purchased the 20,000mAh Battery (CE06799) to use with the PiSupply PiJuice Zero.
What battery profile settings should I use with this pack? They should be something like:
Capacity: 5000 mAh,
Charge current: 2500 mA,
Termination current: 100 mA,
Regulation voltage: 4180 mV,
Cut-off voltage: 3000 mV,
Cold temperature: 1 °C,
Cool temperature: 2 °C,
Warm temperature: 45 °C,
Hot temperature: 50 °C,
NTC B constant: 3380 K,
NTC resistance 10000 Ω.
(These copied from the PiJu…