This is a roll of addressable (WS2812B) RGB LEDs. Each LED has a built-in controller chip which allows you to daisy-chain the LEDs and control them individually - all from a single GPIO!
Hi the school I work has purchased two of these strips from Core electronics for a wall feature student is working on, we have done some investigating and are looking at using an ESP32, running WLED to control the lighting, however we are getting stuck on how to power it. I know it will need an external power supply, but sizing it becomes the issue that we are not sure about, They were looking at trying to have it wireless and run it from a powerbank, but I am not sure that will work with so many LED’s and the research I have done to this point gives differing views on the size of the power supply needed. Any assistance you could provide would be great
Hi Shanei
A power bank will charge a couple of phones or similar. That is what they are designed to do. Nothing else. There has been volumes written about this on this very forum.
Power supply capability ??? Whatever you come up with double it, that way you will minimise trouble and the expense of buying another one when the one you purchased proves inadequate.
This will vary depending on colour and brightness, White being the worst case. I have a couple of these strings as XMAS lights and I use a 5V @ 14A supply and have no problems.
Cheers Bob
Hello Shane, I’m not sure if this will still be helpful, but you can power a small led strip with a power bank, but you first need to find out how much power you need (Volts x Amps = Wattage). For example, the recommended power supply for WS2812B 16.4ft RBGIC Strip is 5V + 10A (50W). So, you get the idea for a 32.8ft Strip, you’d need 5V + 20A (100W). The highest output power from a Power Bank I could find is 5V / 3.1A, which could probably power 3 - 3.5ft of LED Strips. I am actually doing my own led RGB strip project which requires approx 60ft of light strips. It recommends 5V + 40A (200W), but I picked up a 5V + 60A Power supply for $27 off amazon. I hope this helps!!
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