Hi there.
Can anyone tell me if I am meant to connect this solenoid differently? just applying 5V gets untouchable after 30 seconds on.
Thank you
Hi there.
Can anyone tell me if I am meant to connect this solenoid differently? just applying 5V gets untouchable after 30 seconds on.
Thank you
Hi Sebasian,
That does seem a little unusual, it must be passing a fair bit of current through the coil. What’s the SKU or part number of the solenoid?
the SKU is ROB-11015
Interesting, it sounds like there may be a short circuit. I’d suggest replying to your order confirmation email so that the support staff over at Core Electronics can grab some stock to see whether they can replicate this when they’re in next week.
In the meantime, if you have access to a multimeter, I’d double check that the voltage supplied to the solenoid is actually 5V.
~5 watt draw does seem quite high for a small device such as this, so it may just be that the solenoid is not designed for prolonged use, but it does seem a little strange.
5 V it is. Triple checked
Let me know what you discover and what other products you have that could safely operate for at least 10 minutes on.
Thank you
Hey Sebastiano,
What exactly were you trying to do with the solenoid? Sinking 5W into almost anything such as this solenoid will make it heat up extremely fast.
Although the datasheet is in Chinese it recommends that it has a 25% duty cycle over 4 seconds (1 second on, 4 off) to allow it to cool a little bit between use.
The coil would basically be a short circuit with a large inductance. Once it is charged basically acting as a resistor.
Would a servo work in place actuating a pin or something?
Hi Sebastian
Have to agree with Liam. Operating something continuously when designed for 25% duty cycle (over 4 seconds) is not really a good idea.
How hot is hot? In the context you describe it is pretty relative. Just because you can’t touch it without discomfort doesn’t mean it is over hot by other standards. Most things of this nature are OK to about 50ºC or a bit more and that is too hot for a finger.
But having said that it is still not a good idea to operate a device rated at 25% duty cycle continuously. There are other solenoids around that do not have a spring return. I think you reverse the voltage to drive them the other way. I think these only have a momentary voltage application to operate. Not sure.
As Liam suggested if you elaborate on what use you are putting this to someone may have some more ideas.
Cheers Bob