Another retro gaming handheld

Hi guys, thought I’d share a project I’ve been working on recently. I know everyone has been making these recently, but I wanted to have a go at my own design rather than work from someone elses.
The overall shape and design I’m going for is similar to a Nintendo Switch Lite. I’m using a 5" car reverse screen, Raspberry pi Zero W, psp style joystick, 2000mah lipo, and the soft click buttons. All of my buttons will be running through an arduino pro micro. This will be my first Raspberry pi based project.

I’ve included some pictures of the design and also some progress shots of the housing and buttons. I’m planning to cnc machine all of the components. This version is my trial, once I’m happy with the design I will probably re-make the housing in Aluminium and then have it anodized. Either that or I will go for clear acrylic (like I’m currently using on the buttons) as I’m quite fond of the transparent look and I am happy with the finish I am getting on it.

Anyway, let me know what you think!

  • Daniel

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Hey Daniel,

It is looking very awesome! Will be great to see up and running.