Arduino - custom build timer for Coffee grindee

Hi all,

Project: Coffee grinder modifications - put a timer to grind specific amount of sec/ms

Sorry if the questions are a bit low key, and I hope my description give enough to start the discussion. I want to achieve this project, amazing idea/details of Arduino project:

I was on core website to buy the part (as in description/instructions):

But there is no stock (and manufacturer as well, I’ll suspect it’s not available anymore)

Is there a part I can easily change it into, please see the diagram, I want to plug and play, not redo the whole project:

Substitution - other part

Is these LCD reference a proper substitute or are the connections completely different?

Your substitute seem to use 4 pins (I2C ?) to communicate, but I expect a communication on 16 pins as per above schematic

The starting switch, colourful VS. meaningful

Another quick question, is there any difference if I change the push button to a simple one: and this button, would it be available in a metalic “stick”:
I want it long, and in metal to resist damage from use, then i want to place that button behind the holder (where the grinds get distribute), so it pushes as soon as you place the handle, don’t have to press somewhere, just place the handle

Can you help me?

Thank you very much


Hi Oliver,

If you want an LCD that will work with the diagram you shared, then you just need a basic 16-character LCD like this:

The I2C versions are made to connect using only two wires and power/ground. They don’t match up with the diagram that you shared. Even the IIC LCD1602 does not match the diagram.

The tall pushbutton is only available in plastic. If you are looking for a good switch to be activated by the handle you should consider a microswitch like this:

This one has a long lever, there are many different shapes and sizes.

Let me know what you think!