Anyone got any idea of sensors I could use. Currently I’m using a temt6000 light sensor at the bottom on the inside of the tee with the goal of when the ball is placed on the tee the light is blocked. But the light sensor doesn’t seem to be sensitive enough, without blocking the hole the light sensor won’t read anything. I’ve been looking into diffuse photoelectric sensor but the tee is 80mm long so I would need to try find something small but that can travel 80mm.
The photos don’t show the sensor in the tee at the bottom it’s just placed on the tee to show the sensor
Is there any reason you can’t put the light sensor inside the tee? I’m imagining light that spill into the tee from above, but placing the ball on top will block the last source of light. The tee looks hollow. Maybe you could get a photoresistor inside?
What a fun little project. Is there any reason you couldn’t use a distance sensor? If you could point a laser distance sensor through the tee you could detect when the ball is placed using an if less than statement.
Whats the inner diameter you are working with? We may have something small enough available, otherwise the tee looks 3D printed so you may be able to tweak it to accommodate for a slightly larger sensor.
The light sensor does going into the tee at the bottom but I’m not getting enough light to spill down to the sensor. If I shine a light straight down the tee it will read something but ambient light in my room with the lights on isn’t enough to get a reading from the sensor. I might just need a better light sensor that’s more sensitive.
I will try a photoresistor since it will fit well.
I could use a distance sensor. The reason I first went with the light sensor was cause the inside diameter of the tee hole is only 10mm so the transmitter and receiver need to fit inside that. I found a laser distance sensor I’m going to try next, its the vl53l0x
The goal of the project the tee will be in the ground and you push the ball onto the tee and it will trigger a motor and the tee with rise up so you can hit the ball with bending down to place the ball on the tee. I’m mainly just trying to do this as a project to learn how to code and use an arduino
What a fun project to get into electronics. You’ll have a blast integrating all the moving parts later. What are you thinking of using to raise it off the ground?
There have been other discussions about light meters, unfortunately most of the cheap hobbyist ones only go as low as 1 lux. The amount of light entering the gold tee tube is most likely much less than 1 lux. Probably you wont get a sensor to detect less than 1 lux cheaply or easily.
The laser distance sensing device looks more promising.
So in the false floor I’m have a screw thread mounted off to the side of the tee and have a bracket on the thread that holds the tee and have a little motor to turn the thread to raise and low the tee.
The tee is soft black rubber mounted to a bracket so when you hit the ball the tee will flex but it will stay in place but once the ball is gone the tee will lower ready for the next ball to be pushed on top of the tee in the ground and it will rise for the next hit.