BBQ10 PMOD with Keyboard and Qwiic Adapter (CE08094)

This is a placeholder topic for “BBQ10 PMOD with Keyboard and Qwiic Adapter” comments.

A BB Q10 Keyboard in PMOD format! The board uses a ATSAMD20 chip to poll the keyboard and put key press information into a FIFO. A I2C interface can be…

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Does this actually include the keyboard as well?



Hi Rob,

Yes it does. Unfortunately, we are out of stock at the moment and so is the supplier, possibly due to the worldwide silicon shortage. So I don’t have an ETA on when we will have more. I would suggest clicking the notify me link on the product page to get an email when they are back in stock.



OK, thanks. Yes I see that the guys’ Tindie page has it OOS as well.

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