This one’s not all that innovative in how many different Core products I’ve stuffed in a 3D-printed box, but I thought I’d share it as it’s been months in development (and several trips to Core to collect more bits - and another cart on the go already).
It’s also probably a little boutique in its potential application.
KNX is a building management platform. If you’ve ever encountered Clipsal’s C-Bus family, the two are ASTONISHINGLY similar in architecture, however KNX is an open standard with hundreds of companies across the globe making products for the family. And a lot more ongoing development and evolution - where Clipsal’s owner Schneider is now making KNX products. (Wall, meet writing.)
‘captureKNX’ runs on a Pi 5 with a HAT that sits on the twisted pair communication bus, sniffing the ‘telegrams’ that go between devices. The telegrams are all reformatted and stuffed into an InfluxDB database that you can use Grafana to visualise.
As usual of course, all the code is on GitHub. And all the development and support is coming out of Newcastle. Yay Newy!