Coding my project

Hey all,

I need some help doing some coding for my wicking bed project. I’m extremely time poor these days and if I don’t get some assistance my project will drag on until Uni starts up again.




Hi Gerard,

If you can include some specifics about what you want help with we may be able to offer some pointers where you are getting slowed down.
If you do decide to reach out for paid assistance from the community keep in mind this forum is fully open to the public so don’t post your email address or phone number in forum threads or you may be targeted by spammers.


Yep, I hear you. I get many SMS about my package that cannot be delivered or emails offering me a cut of a hundred gazillion dollars (are they STILL doing that?).

Core has my email addy, It’s definitely a paying job but I need to work up some control doco, software flowcharts and assorted protocols first.


Hi Gerard,

If you’re looking to get a product developed, or an idea off the ground, and you aren’t up to doing it yourself, we recommend SAPHI:

Check them out if that seems like what you’re looking for


Hi James,

Yes, I remember them form when I first registered here. I’ll talk to my partner-in-crime and see how/what we can do. Seems like a good idea though.




I’m in the process of building my own wicking beds, I’ll be interested to see what you wind up doing.



Happy to share my experiences Rob.

The basis of our beds are recycled IBCs which are a 1 pallet space bulk liquid container. Cut it in 1/2 and you have the basis for 2 wicking beds. Cheap and simple. I’ll post up some pics shortly.

Merry Christmas too!



Here’s a basic layout…


That look fantastic. I have made a start as well (pic), not as impressive as your setup though.

At this point though I have no plans to add any electronics to it, but that may change :grinning:


The IBCs work pretty good, don’t they Rob?

We found that over time, the AC sheet fails at the edges so we’ve embarked on applying a waterproofing compound. The AC sheet doesn’t break down but must be structurally weakened by continual water immersion.

Below are two more pics.

Above is a simple arrangement using pipe bits from Bunnings or Mitre10. We standardised on 1" BSP since that’s what we use everywhere else. On the top of that T piece, we just glue a bit of 1" pipe to allow for the ingress of supply water when the bed is filled with soil. Also, note the plethora of gal screws fixing the poly to the steel frame.

The above is an upside down look at the AC sheet supports which is just 90mm stormwater pipe supports. You will note that the AC sheet is now black due to the waterproof latex coating. One problem with this latex is that you can’t use RTV silicon to stick the pipe to the sheet as it attacks the latex. We used that blue stud adhesive to good effect.

