Connecting HC-SR04 to Bit:Bot XL

Hi there. I purchased the 4tronix Bit:Bot XL Robot for BBC Micro:Bit, and near the bottom of the description there is a link to the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Module Distance Measuring Sensor so I purchased that as well. However, it seems the version of the HC-SR04 on your site isn’t made to connect to the Bit:Bot XL expansion connection at the front, and instead perhaps something like this would fit better - could you please advise? Thanks, Bryan

Hi Bryan,

I completely agree, there’s a very similar part in the Pi2Go kit which is based on the same design of the HC-SR04, but we don’t appear to stock that particular version of the HC-SR04 that you’d need individually. If there’s anything else that I can do to help please let me know.

Core Electronics | Support

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