Controlling 2 motors with TB6612FNG and Rasp Pi

Hi there,

I have purchased a TB6612FNG (sparkfun) motordriver. I have been using the link below as a guide

It only shows how to control one motor. How would I change the script to allow it to run on two motors?

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Hi Pia,

Welcome to the forum!!

After connecting everything together you’ll have to use 3 other pins to control the B-channel motor.
Something like this should work:

import gpiozero
import time

#Setup pins for motorA
BackwardA = gpiozero.OutputDevice(18) # On/Off output
ForwardA = gpiozero.OutputDevice(23) #On/Off output

SpeedPWMA = gpiozero.PWMOutputDevice(24) # set up PWM pin

#Setup pins for motorB
BackwardB = gpiozero.OutputDevice(<SPARE DIGITAL PIN HERE>) # On/Off output
ForwardB = gpiozero.OutputDevice(<SPARE DIGITAL PIN HERE>) #On/Off output

SpeedPWMB = gpiozero.PWMOutputDevice(<SPARE PWM PIN HERE>) # set up PWM pin

while True:
    directionFlagA = input("set motorA direction: ")
    if directionFlagA == "back": # if user types "back" change direction of motor
        BackwardA.on() # Sets BackwardA Direction pin on # Sets BackwardA Direction pin on
    else: # Sets BackwardA Direction off
        ForwardA.on()   # Sets BackwardA Direction pin on
	directionFlagB = input("set motorB direction: ")
    if directionFlagB == "back": # if user types "back" change direction of motor
        BackwardB.on() # Sets BackwardB Direction pin on # Sets BackwardB Direction pin on
    else: # Sets BackwardB Direction off
        ForwardB.on()   # Sets BackwardB Direction pin on
    speedFlagA = float(input("set speedA (between 0-1000): ")) # Gets a number from the from the user
	speedFlagB = float(input("set speedB (between 0-1000): "))
	SpeedPWMB.value = speedFlag/1000 # Sets the duty cycle of the PWM between 0-1
    SpeedPWMA.value = speedFlag/1000 # Sets the duty cycle of the PWM between 0-1

Note that I haven’t included the pins numbers in case you have another project using those pins, is an amazing resource for your Pi projects!