Davinci Jnr Wireless Printer - Compatible Filament

Hi Team,

Firstly, love your work! :slight_smile: haha

Secondly, do you believe this filament can be used on a Davinci Jnr Wireless Printer, once hacked with a filament resetter via an Arduino and Jumper Wires?


Just reluctant to spend $$ on something that an expert think may not work on my printer -_-

Thanks heaps in advance!

Reset Links:


Best Regards,

Hi Michael,

Thanks for dropping by. Iā€™m not sure to be honest, have never been down that path. Whatever the way forward, do let us know how you get on with this!

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Hey Michael,
It looks like the DaVinci Mod you have linked was made for 1.75mm Filaments, as I have never used the DaVinci is it a 1.75mm Machine? If so, our 2.85mm Filaments may not be compatible.