DJI RoboMaster EP-Core (CE07254)

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The RoboMaster EP Core was built to take learning to the next level. This advanced educational robot provides an all-in-one solution for STEAM-based classrooms everywhere, offering AI and programming projects for students of all ages and experience levels.

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is there any course curriculum available for RM EP?

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From the product description (the “Read more” link in the initial post)

Custom Learning Materials
Combining robotic theory with programming practice operations and tailored projects, the curriculum resources aim to drive students’ interests in engineering and cultivate their spirit of exploration. Lecture slides and lesson plans are provided to educators, worksheets and handouts are tailored for the students, and they all align with the most popular educational standards and are incredibly easy to follow, allowing smooth integration at multiple age and grade levels.

Download Syllabus & Introduction

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Do you guys sell parts for the Robomaster S1 EP-Core?