So I’ve got the Esp01 and loaded with a sketch but I don’t know how to ping the reset pin??
Any suggestions
Do you mean that you now want to reset the ESP01 and start the sketch?
You first need to ensure it is in the correct boot mode for normal running (SPI Flash Execute):
- GPIO2 high (which it will be unless you have connected it to something)
- GPIO0 also high (which it won’t be while flashing - disconnect it from GND)
Then briefly connect RST to GND.
The message about resetting via RTS pin only applies where you have a USB-to-UART programmer that responds to the RTS signal.
Thanks Jeff, appreciate the help.
So GP02 is not connected.
GPI00 I will disconnect from ground
And with res pin I’ll button press to ground??
Code is in the chip already right??
Yes. The last few lines in the console display confirm that uploading the sketch finished properly.