How to reset the flash of esp32 without using a laptop?

I was programming my esp32-s3 board, and after I uploaded a particular code, my board just disconnected itself from my laptop. Now, the esp32 does not show up in my arduino IDE or device manager. My device manager does not reload even when I disconnect my board from the laptop. The esp32 is still receiving power from my laptop.

I have already checked most of the common solutions online. The usb wire and my computer port is not the problem, since they work fine with other boards, and were also working with this board before I uploaded the code. As I already said, device manager does not recognize if I connect/disconnect my board.

As such, as a last resort, I am trying to see if there is any way to reset the board’s flash without having to upload any code onto the board from my laptop. Can I pull any pins on the board low to remove the flash/code on my esp32? I think the code is messing up my board in some way. Thanks!

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Can you provide the exact board.
Most boards have a usb to uart infront of the ESP32 module, but some have built in USB.
In theory you should be able to force boot mode by pressing and holding the boot button, then press and release the reset button (which is the action that should happen via the USB-URART level commands, so you could try that.
Note: If it works it should be in the boot loader mode, at which point you would need to send a new image to it or send the erase flash command.

If that does not work, moving closer to the board may help; this will involve some pin connections and do the button presses on the correct pins thus bypassing everything else.

Its a little hard to guess why its not working outside of the code pulling the boot/reboot pins such that the usb cant do it.

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That worked, thanks!

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Hi @Ishan286537

Great to hear that you managed to get that sorted!

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