FT5330M - Aluminium Servo with metal horn (35kg/cm) (CE09386)

This is a placeholder topic for “FT5330M - Aluminium Servo with metal horn (35kg/cm)” comments.

A seriously strong servo, perfect for large robots, RC cars, planes and anything that needs something moved.

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I am just trying to intergrate a more powerful servo into my project without adding another power rail.

My question is can this servo be powered by a higher voltage, say 12V, and if not are there options that support such voltage ranges?

Hey @Job251805, welcome to the forums!

This servo has a maximum operating voltage of 7.4V so it most likely wouldn’t work running on 12V.

Have you considered using a step-down module to reduce your 12V rail down to something in the acceptable range for this servo (6 - 7.4V)?

Something like this may work for you:

Hope this helps! :grinning: