Hey guys, i can’t seem to get a location fix using this one? Also tried with your antenna cable extension
Can you share the NMEA sentenaces being generated after a few minutes of operation?
GPS.pdf (103.8 KB)
Hi, see attached
Cheers! The last GGA sentence suggests zero satellites. Is the device outside or inside? Has it been left outside for 5-10 minutes to get it’s first cold lock?
It’s attached to a Raspberry Pi so not portable. Can I just take the board outside? I notice it has a battery. At the moment it’s next to a 6th floor window so nothing blocking it
It would be best to set it up outdoors, a single window isn’t usally enough to get a lock without an active (powered) antenna.
Should the light on the GPS turn red when it gets a lock? Been outside for a bit and still doesn’t seem to be working. Though it just started to flash red but still no lock.
The NMEA senteances will show what is going on, here’s an old but genuinly useful guide for how they are structured:
Still can’t seem to get any sat lock on this thing?
If you have hit rock bottom then reply to your order confirmation email and we’ll send instructions on how to return it so we can take a look.
Graham, what is the battery for (in general terms). How do you know when it needs replacing?
Hey Jim,
What’s the part you wanted to know the required cells for? A SKU would be perfect. Otherwise, in terms of how often batteries need to be replaced, each should have a low voltage threshold, which once passed will make the cell dangerous to use/simply failing, usually ~2.5 V for 3.7 V LiPo cells.
Core Electronics | Support
It’s a TEL0119 RPi GPS Tracker https://core-electronics.com.au/usb-ttl-raspberry-pi-gps-tracker.html
I don’t need you to find the battery type so much as to tell me what the battery’s for and how to know when it needs replacement.
Hey Jim,
Okay, so that particular board is a breakout for a Raspberry Pi, the power input that it would take would be that supplied by the Pi. Below I’ve linked a tutorial for you on the use of battery power for a Raspberry Pi, if there’s anything else that I can do for you please let me know.
Core Electronics | Support
Yes, it certainly has power from the RPi via USB and presumably uses it. So what’s the battery for? A clock?