How to feed voltage to GPS active antenna?

I’m wondering how to connect DC voltage to GPS external active antenna.
SKU ADA 960. Intend to connect to NEO-7m GPS module … thanks in advance.


Hi John,

I can see that the antenna’s product description mentions the Ultimate GPS, which is the tradename Adafruit have given to their GPS using the MTK3339 chipset.

Two features that really stand out about version 3 MTK3339-based module is the external antenna functionality and the the built in data-logging capability. The module has a standard ceramic patch antenna that gives it -165 dB sensitivity, but when you need a bigger antenna, you can snap on any 3V active GPS antenna via the uFL connector. The module will automatically detect the active antenna and switch over! Most GPS antennae use an SMA connector - you might need a uFL to SMA adapter.

The MTK3339 chipset connects using only the uFL. connector (via an adapter) to the SMA of the active antenna. So the chipset must be providing a DC bias to power the active component of the antenna along the same conductor that it receives the higher frequency amplified RF signal. Pretty clever!


Hi Trent
It is the automatic detection and switch over that is the clever bit.
As far as power insertion over the signal co ax the TV Masthead amplifier people have been doing this for what seems like ever. That is many years.
Cheers Bob