Is GPS-00177 compatible with WS-21707?

The GPS supplied with WS-21707 works fine.
The problem for me the cable is too long for my application so I ordered the GPS-00177.
I cant seem to get a GPS signal from that GPS.
Any Ideas please ? Specs look the same especially frequency etc etc.


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Just for a quick check have a look at the sma connectors feom both antennas, do the look 100% the same, eg does one have a pin and the other one not?

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Yes 100% GPS is a male and the SIM is a female so coinnection is good.

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The reason i ask is there are 4 sma connector types not just two.

The 2nd antenna states it has a lna which implies it needs power. As such if the gps unit is not providing the needed power it may not work.

Note, I’m just having an educated guess from a very quick read of the specs on my phone, so may be missing something.

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Does the original antenna have a part number printed on it?

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Hey, no it just states the frequency which is 1575.42MHz and that’s the same as the one just supplied when you check the specs.


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Cheers. I think wait for one of the core guys to have a look.

To me it looks like the new antenna is active which needs power, but the original is passive and does not need power.

As such unless there is a way to turn on power to the antenna, you may need to find a different one.

Anyway lets see what the experts say.

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Hi Matthew,

From a bit of digging it looks like the antenna included with the WS-21707 ( SIM7600G-H M.2 4G HAT for Raspberry Pi includes a passive antenna, though from the schematic there is a biasing circuit for (something? Good catch Michael!) similar to that of the Sparkfun unit. :thinking:

Might be worth an email?


I think the biasing circuitry is not populated on your version of the HAT:

From (your one) SIM7600G-H M.2 4G HAT for Raspberry Pi, LTE CAT4 High Speed, 4G/3G/2G, GNSS, Global Band | Buy in Australia | WS-21707 | Core Electronics :


But annoyingly both use the same schematic, a fun bit of sleuthing!

In short, Michael is right (if that area in red isn’t populated on your board)

In short a passive antenna will work:

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Thank you everyone.


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