How to Flash the Old 'Buster' Raspberry Pi OS to a Micro-SD

Tim just shared a new tutorial: "How to Flash the Old ‘Buster’ Raspberry Pi OS to a Micro-SD "

This will be a quick article showing the process to flash the legacy Raspberry Pi OS ‘Buster’ Debian 10 (or any previous OS iteration) to a Micro-SD card. With any exciting new Operating System (OS) release, there are always small teething …

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I have just downloaded and installed your buster image (twice) and I does not contain the files that are mentioned in the YouTube tutorial Face Recognition With Raspberry Pi + OpenCV (Face Recognition With Raspberry Pi + OpenCV - YouTube)

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Heyya Chris,

Come check this article Face Recognition With Raspberry Pi and OpenCV - Tutorial Australia and look at the section | Setting Up Open-CV and Facial Recognition From Scratch |. That’ll provide you with everything you need :blush: but a crucial first step is installing Buster Raspberry Pi OS to your system.

Best of luck,

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8 posts were split to a new topic: Help with flashing older image with Pi 3B+