How to make Raspberry Pi 4B a standalone device?

I have an object detection code in OpenCV inside my Raspberry Pi 4B. My setup is Headless setup OS is Raspbian Buster. I want to make my Raspberry boot without a connection to my Laptop and automatically do the object detection?


What exactly do you mean by boot without a connection? How do you intend to turn it on?

Getting it to start doing things on startup is the easy part:


What I mean is when I use my Raspberry Pi I always connect it to a Laptop first. I want to run my code without connecting it to a laptop and powering my raspberry pi via batteries instead of the standard way to power it.


Hi Harold,

Raspberry Pi programs can be run on start up based on this article or this.

These links will help with the battery powering.

Here is a link of search results from this forum regarding LiPo battery

Basically you would need a PiJuice hat or Battery Shim, a decent capacity battery to suit your runtime and a spare or a battery charger that would charge the batteries connected to a power source or a Solar panel. Someone from Core should be able to help you regarding the items available currently.



I’m not sure what you mean when you say you connect it to your laptop. A Raspberry Pi is a standalone computer, so that’s like saying ‘I always connect my computer to my computer first, but I want to use my computer without connecting it to my computer’.

How do you connect it to your computer?


I connect it through ethernet for SSH because I’m using a headless setup. Lets put it this way, I don’t want to use the Raspberry as a computer instead I want to use it as an object detection device.

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Hi Harold,

Since you’re running a headless OS (I assume Raspberry Pi OS Lite), you’re already about as pared-down as you can get without delving into embedded methods.

Could you elaborate a little on what functionality you have, and what functionality you want?



if you are running headless and you want to be able to connect to it…
use a wf-fi board . control it via that system ssh over wi-fi…an .udsb dongle on your laptop/p.c…etc you can use the command line via a putty program…is this what your asking…??? im not shure either…

the putty program should be able to link up to the dongle directly , and not bother your laptop normal running… you should also be able to get updates into your headless unit via the putty program which should have internet available to it … since putty is on your laptop you should have the web available …


I am using Raspbian Buster version. My device should have object detection with Text to speech feature. That’s all good sir. Thank you

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Hi Harold,

That should be doable, check out Tim’s guide on object recognition:

Were you looking to get it saying object names aloud? If so, you’re not the first!

I made another post on that thread talking about how to grab the list of objects it found:

From there, you’ll just need to pick a TTS option, gTTS seems popular:

Or if you’re after something self contained:



Woww thank you Sir. After that I am doing a proposal that will turn it into an assistive device with visual impairment so I need to make it like a device that can function anywhere. Any idea how can i do that?


Hi Harold,

Were you meaning battery-powered? What kind of user interface have you got in mind? Tactile buttons, haptic feedback? Do you have a napkin sketch of what you want your device to look like?

With that in mind, we can come up with better part recommendations :slight_smile: