Hi all!
I am a teacher and have inherited about 20 Arduino Eploras and would like to find some good projects to put them to use in class. From what I have seen they interact with LCD screens well due to the joystick and buttons enabling gameplay.
The Arduino TFT LCD screen was recommended but is now a retired product.
Can anyone recommend an alternative screen for use with the Esplora? I would also love to hear any projects implemented with the Esplora that I could run as well.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks all!
I haven’t been able to find much support for the Arduino Esploras after they were retired by the manufacturer around 2018. Core Electronics has retired the Esploras and their accessories some time ago.
The library functions to operate the Esploras are available here, but hardware to support them seems hard to find. Arduino - EsploraLibrary
Thanks for this Trent, much appreciated.
Yes it does seem slim pickings for Esplora support. A bit of a shame that I have so many of them but I am keen to do what I can to make use of what we do have.
Thanks again!
Taking a look into the screen as well it looks like it uses SPI to communicate, while you won’t be able to get the same form factor and functionality out of another display you will be able to get some graphics out and start gaming!
Hey Liam,
Thanks heaps for your reply. I am not too bothered with the form factor, more so the functionality. I am new to this and trying to learn
Would any of these LCD’s be suitable do you think? I am trying to look for something cost effective but it has to function well otherwise there is little point.
Thanks again for your help!
I’ve had a look, and all those LCDs communicate over SPI, so you should be fine there, the main task is finding an Arduino library to work with them all. Adafruit have a fantastic guide on their display, and their GFX library should work with the DFRobot displays you have found
Have a read and get back to us with your thoughts!
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