Hi guys,
I’m trying to put a project together that works in the following way:
- Two pumps that would like to start up simultaneously. Both pumps do not have access to wifi or cell services.
- The pumps will be remotely activated based on a tank level that is approx 2km from pumps and does have Cell service. I would like to receive a text message every day indicating
- tank level and pump run time……
- and other data….
I have a stash of Uno R3 and and LoRa radio shields for them. I plan on using these on pump sites.
I’m after a simple solution, and have the following parts in mind so far:
- Arduino MKR2UNO Adapter
- Arduino MKR NB 1500
- LoRa UNO SPI comm shield that I already have.
Will this work with adaptor and is MKR NB 1500 the most economical way of doing this?