Maker Meet: TTN & LoRaWAN 25/2/19

The Monthly Maker Meet for TTN & LoRa was on yesterday and the topic was uGateway along with the 2019 roadmap for future topics. We covered off on the hardware build for the uGateway, walked people through the software side of things and wrapped up with uGateway giveaways!

The idea behind the giveaways is to help extend LoRaWAN coverage on The Things Network in our region so that more people have the opportunity to explore IoT projects around Newcastle / Lake Macquarie. Three gateways were handed out at the meetup, with an invitation for others to apply for one of the seven remaining by filling out a short application.

We run this Maker Meet once a month. Each catchup is a practical conversation about TTN & LoRa, entirely free and food/drinks are provided. RSVPs are essential, drop by if you're interested!

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