Makerverse Real Time Clock (RTC) with Supercapacitor Backup (CE07922)

This is a placeholder topic for “Makerverse Real Time Clock (RTC) with Supercapacitor Backup” comments.

Accurate timekeeping, even during power outages.

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Is it possible to trigger an event ie. set GPIO Pin high on the hour using a Makerverse Real Time Clock on pi pico.

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This doesn’t answer my question.

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Definitely is

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If you find that the responses are not quite what you expected it often helps to restate the question in a different form. Are you sure you meant exactly what you posted?

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Casting about for some ideas, one jumps out at me.

As far as I can tell, it is not possible to set the CLK pin to pulse every hour.
It is possible to set an internal alarm for one hour in the future, and have that trigger the interrupt pin. When the pin is triggered, a connected micro can wake up, perform the actions it needs to, then set the alarm for one hour in the future again. The alarm functionality is not implemented (yet!) in the Makerverse driver. Consider opening an issue on the repo if this is a feature you’re interested in.

Do you need precise hourly timing @Kenneth141839 ? Or is it a general, non-critical requirement?
You could build a frequency divider off the CLK pin, set up to pulse (nearly) every hour.
There is also the Makerverse Nano Power Timer which may be relevant to your interests.


Thanks for your reply. What I need is set aGPIO PIN on the hour I’ll have look at the nano power timer. Or use another RTC module.

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If you can read the time then you can detect when the hour changes and set the GPIO pin at that point. Presumably you want to unset it before the next hour, so your code could wait some time after setting it and do an unset.

If that is not possible for some reason you can indicate why not and someone might be able to suggest an alternative.


Thanks, I am a novice at writing python so I was looking for an example of code, after studying the List Function I have come up with the following code.
from machine import I2C, Pin, ADC
import time
from Makerverse_RV3028 import Makerverse_RV3028

i2c = I2C(0, sda = Pin(0), scl = Pin(1))
rtc = Makerverse_RV3028(i2c = i2c)

while True:
myTime =(rtc.getTime(time))
hour = (myTime[0])
minute = (myTime[1])
second = (myTime[2])
print('Hour = ',hour)
print('Minute = ',minute)
print('second = ',second)

This can get me started on my program.


The RTC chip is great. Well featured.
The only thing missing from the module (for me) is a link/solder bridge choice to allow backup powering the RTC from another source, not restricting to just the supercap. This would make it more versatile and allow use in a wider range of circumstances. One more pin on the connector…
Maybe next build :slight_smile:


Nice feature idea - a normally-closed solder jumper and a breakout pin for VCAP…
If we make a move on this project again we ought to add it.
As a quick and dirty hack, the capacitor can be desoldered relatively easily - and there is a test point on the underside of the board that connects to the capacitor positive terminal


:loudspeaker: As of our most recent production run, this product features a 0.47 F capacitor (instead of the original 0.1 F)

This upgrade is due to unavailability of the original capacitor.

Expect minimum charging time to increase by a factor of 5x, but also expect longer backup times as a result.

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