This little device can turn your running water into electricity! It has a durable plastic shell for better protection and also it is a good solution to save electricity to some extent! This generator is able to produce a maximum of 6V from flowing water.
““I’m looking at using a Micro Water Turbine (Hydroelectric Generator DC-5V) I’m about to order fir a project.
I’m confused about a couple things. I want some way to measure the flow of water through the turbine and get a digital reading. Do I need the microcontroller for this?
If so, - How does the Arduino board and microcontroller connect to the hydroelectric generator?
Do I need to learn how to code the microcontroller in order to get data from the hydroelectric generator, about things like flow measure, voltage and current?
I have a multimeter I can use to measure the voltage and current, but is there a way I can measure the flow of water and the voltage/current somehow using the microcontroller connected to the hydroelectric generator?”
Hi Michael
There appear to be only 2 wires exiting this unit. That would be + and - volts.
You can measure volts ACROSS these and current IN SERIES WITH A LOAD. Do not connect a current meter across the voltage. Fuses will probably blow (if fused).
Water flow. May get a voltage increase in a linear fashion with increase water flow but I would not rely on this. The voltage will reach a maximum and go no further even with increased flow. You would be best with a separate flow meter. There are heaps of different types and sizes. with different means of providing a useful result.
Voltages are connected to the analog inputs of Arduino, maximum 5V or 3.3V depending on Arduino model. Current measurements usually are small voltages developed across a very low resistance and massaged by the measuring instrument to read the appropriate unit. In the Arduino these voltages are converted to numbers by the DAC, 0-1023 for 0V - 5 (or 3.3)V. These numbers can then be manipulated into something useful.
Yes, I would think you do have to learn how to program Arduino if you want to do anything useful. Even rudimentary exercises are good learning tools. CoreElectronics have Tutorials on their web site which can be studied and when their workshops start up again would be worth visiting if you are anywhere near the Newcastle area. This is only my impression but I think tutorials and if possible workshops with the help of maybe start up kits would be the best place to start.
This Forum will provide pretty well all the help you need but would be an advantage to get some of the simple basics in place and get some idea of what is happening. CoreE support staff are on the ball and are usually quick to respond.
Anyway welcome to the community and ask away whenever you like. You will probably get a bit confused before the day is done.
Cheers Bob
Unfortunately, it’ll be extremely difficult to use that generator as it regulates the output to 5V so you can’t properly use it to measure flow. However, I’ve put together a couple of parts as you can see in the image I’ve linked below, and with no programming or digital interface whatsoever you can measure the flow rate (note it’s not going to be very obvious what the reading is unless you do some experimenting and this is really an ‘analog’ output) essentially, all that you need to do is replace the voltmeter with the analog pin of an Arduino and perform an analog read and you’re done!
Please let me know if there’s anything else that we can do for you. (note that it’s high in the image when it’s still, once it starts spinning there’s essentially a magnet that causes the voltage to fluctate which will be lower than this voltage when averaged out, which is done automatically by the inertia of the needle in this meter and similarly will occur with an analog read on the Arduino if you need to smooth it out further you can add a capacitor)
From what I understand, you are trying to demonstrate the conservation of energy by showing that gravitational energy (in the form of water) can be converted into electrical energy (via the turbine).
Check out these videos on a bit more of the theory and applications (they are quite good):
checkout 6:50 - similar project to yours
Probably the easiest way to demonstrate this would be to connect your apparatus to a tap. This way you vary the opening of the valve which can be your height of water or gravitational energy instead of physically moving a container higher or lower.
There are a few ways to go measure this, a flow meter like in Bryce’s post or a generator connected to a load and a voltmeter like in the second video are two good methods. By varying the flow of the tap (your theoretical potential energy) you will be able to demonstrate a change in energy at the generator or flow meter.
Hope this helps!
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