My open source cellular LTE-M, NB-IoT, GNSS, WiFi and BLE module called Walter


I needed to edit this post because it was flagged as spam. I don’t want to be pushy at all but I do want to spread the word about my project because I think it might be useful. I learned from testers in Australia and New Zealand that cellular LPWAN technology is widely used in Oceania.

I’m very excited to share my project that me and my team have been working on for the past year. We had many projects that were based on the former PyCom GPy. Unfortunately PyCom made the GPy end-of-line and later went bankrupt. This left us with various motherboards that were now useless. As we could not find an alternative we created our own and we call it Walter.

Walter combines an ESP32-S3 with a Sequans GM02SP LTE-M/NB-IoT 5G modem and GNSS receiver. We have made it as small as we could and it is pin compatible with the GPy which means that you can use it as a drag and drop replacement.

The most hard parts in the whole project were:

  • Making the module really low power, we measured 9.8uA in deep sleep while the modem is in PSM mode.
  • Getting the EMC right was a hard task. I learned a lot and we have done a few iterations to get it just right.

I was really honored that Andreas Spiess used Walter in his last video: Walter is also tested by beta testers which use the GPS tracking app that I made as a demo:

Please don’t take this as spam as this is really a project that I worked on with my heart and soul. I am currently crowdfunding it on Crowd Supply but I have removed the link. If you are interested I’m sure you will find it.

Kind regards,

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