Does anyone know whether there is an Arduino C++ library for the Pimoroni BME280 Breakout - Temperature, Pressure, Humidity Sensor? I’m not using python.
Will it work with the Adafruit BME280 library?
Thanks in advance
Does anyone know whether there is an Arduino C++ library for the Pimoroni BME280 Breakout - Temperature, Pressure, Humidity Sensor? I’m not using python.
Will it work with the Adafruit BME280 library?
Thanks in advance
I can’t think of a reason why it wouldn’t work. But if you run into problems the next choice would be the DFRobot library, or the Grove. All these BME280 devices use the same sensor module, and that’s where all the smarts are, so they aren’t going to be very different.
Hi @Steve89086,
Both the Adafruit and Pimoroni Boards sem fairly similar so as Jeff said the Adafruit library may work well.
Yes, I suspect it will fine as well. Thanks for the tips re the other libraries.
Hi Steve,
I tend to exclusively use Adafruit’s library on most BMP/BME boards I use. I can confirm Adafruit’s library works for Pimoroni’s BMP280.
If you want to try something totally different, (zero code), then give Home Assistant and ESPHome a go. You can have the BME280 up and running, sending data to Home Assistant for recording, alerting, actioning based on values with just a feew lines of YAML.
I have two BME280 in my house, set up with ESP32, and Home Assistant.
Happy to answer any questions if you do try this.