Pololu Simple High-Power Motor Controller 24v12 (POLOLU-1379)

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The Pololu Simple High-Power Motor Controller makes basic control of brushed DC motors easy, with Pololu’s free Simple Motor Control Center software enabling quick configuration over USB. The controller supports four interface modes: USB, TTL serial, analog voltage, and hobby radio control (RC). This version operates from 5.5 to 40 V and is efficient enough to deliver a continuous 12 A without a heat sink. It ships with the power capacitor and connectors included but not soldered in, allowing for custom installations.

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On the Pololu Simple High-Power Motor Controller 24v12 SKU: POLOLU-1379 can the potentiometer inputs be used differetially as feedback? By this I mean, can one potentiometer input be the desired input value and the other be from a positional potentiometer on the motor, with the controller then driving the motor (in the correct direction FWD/REV) to null out the potentiometers difference and hence reaching the desired position equal to the inpu? Cheers Paul

It certainly appears feasible. The full product description (the read more link on the initial post) has a link to the user guide, giving options and information on configuring the control inputs.

Have a good read and then you should be able to work out if you can do what you need.