HI all, I am more the software side, but I am making a DIY alexa / nest hub so sit in the kitchen to replace my Amazon echo show.
I am using a Raspberry Pi Zero W to run the OS and do the smarts, I am also going to use the 11.6inch Capacitive Touch Screen LCD, from Core.
Rasberry Pi needs 5V 3A, and the Screen needs 12V 1A via a 3.5mm OD 1.3mm ID plug.
Once I have all the components working I will 3d print a case, put only want 1 power plug into the case, just not sure what my options are to power the Pi and the screen, any pointers would be much appreciated.
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I think the Zero W doesn’t need that much power, probably more like 1.5 at most.
I think the easiest thing would be to get a 12V 2A (24W) power supply, perhaps something like this 12V DC 2A Fixed 2.1mm Tip Appliance Plugpack | AM8936 | Core Electronics Australia
Then a DC-DC buck converter, e.g. DC-DC Buck-Mode Power Module (8~28V to 5V 3A) | DFRobot DFR0571 | Core Electronics Australia it’s rated to 3A 5V(15W) output, but the Pi Zero W won’t pull that much.
That way you can put the screen and the converter in parallel and run the pi off the output of the converter.
Hi Jeff,
Welcome to the forum 
This page on Raspberry Pi’s documentation site shows the power draw of each Pi under varying loads with and without USB accessories.
I would highly recommend getting the system working with the official Raspberry Pi power supply for the Pi and a separate one for the display, then once you know everything else works, then try and power the Pi from a buck converter as Doug has suggested. The Raspberry Pi is quite sensitive to under and over voltage supply so you’ll want to triple check your design to avoid any accidents that could damage the Pi.
We’ve got a range of buck converters that could do the job which you can find here, personally I like the Pololu units, even though they are a bit more expensive they have some proper documentation and I wouldn’t feel right connecting the cheapest possible power supply to something expensive like a Raspberry Pi.