I’m looking at building a portable game console powered by a 5000mah powerbank.
I wondered if the Zero4U without pogo pins etc, would power a 4.3" screen (with small speakers attached), Qwiic Pro Micro (for controls), and a USB input when connected to the Pi Zero2W?
Alternatively, i could probably power direct from the powerbank but would need to muck around with a switch for both the pi and the hub…
Any help would be appreciated!
Hi Kyle,
Welcome to the forum 
The Zero4U looks like it can supply a maximum of 2A collectively across its 4 USB full-size jacks when it is fed by a suitable supply.

The details on getting it into self-power mode are in the user manual.
This may be a silly question but is there a reason you don’t want to use or modify the GPi case as a starting point for your portable console? It seems to incorporate a lot of the functions to want to build into your project except it runs on AAs or USB.
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Aaah, hadn’t seen the different definitions between the two settings…
So if it’s attached on top, I’m good, side by side, I’ll need separate power… will have to see how it fits!
Not a silly question! I did look at it but I want to make something a bit bigger than that, more similar in size to a PSP or NDS, and this naturally requires a little more creative input, which is the real goal!
Thanks for your help!
Hi Kyle,
I’m not sure what you mean by this.
The hub will supply a maximum of 500mA across the outputs if it’s powered via the micro-USB input like pictured below.

If you want to draw 2Amps out of the hub you need to power it separately from another power supply by feeding power into the white JST connector on the device (labelled 10 on the image below).

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Yeah, sorry. I meant the manual suggests that if i can fit it attached directly as a hat it uses self power mode, but if i have to use usb, then i’ll need a separate connection from my power bank for both the pi and the hub.
Ideally I can use just the one connection to the power bank, meaning fewer cables jammed in!
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