Question regarding USB to CAN Adapter Model A (CE09260)configuration

Hi all,

A quick question regarding the USB to CAN Adapter Model A: is it possible to configure this dongle with the original software supplied and use it with normal terminal software?

I am struggling to get it working in extended frame mode with Realterm terminal, looks like I am receiving the data in standard frame mode, but my device transmits in extended mode.
I have had no problem to configure baud rate and CAN bps though.

Any ideas or thoughts would be great, as I am keen to get this solved.



Hi @Eugene261687 - welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

Does that mean that you also need to transmit in standard frame mode?
Have you had a look at the configuration documents? (Can_config.pdf and the protocol found in the wiki Documentation section)

What troubleshooting steps have you tried so far?
Can you share the commands you’re using and any printout of the responses?

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Hi Michael,

Thank you for reply.

At this moment I am reverse engineering a system board which transmit diagnostic data in extended frame mode and I cannot change that.

I would like to receive that data in terminal window, but cannot configure CAN dongle to process extended frame mode data, it works in extended mode with original USB-CAN-A TOOL software only and my terminal software is receiving garbage.

So, the summary is:

  • I can receive right data when using USB-CAN-A TOOL software with extended frame mode enabled;
  • I receive corrupted data when using terminal software (Baud rate and CAN bps are correct)

Hi Eugene,

Can Realterm process CAN packets or is it just spitting out the whole thing?

I connected two of these and was able to send on COM3 standard and extended packets, both showed some non-alphanumeric characters either end as expected, with the right data in the middle:

What’s the rest of your project look like? We may be able to fix things on the software side now that we know a bit better how these operate

Hi James,

I was under opinion that USB to CAN Adapter is processing CAN packets and giving just a serial data to the virtual COM port

Am I wrong there?

Hi Eugene,

There are some extra bytes that tell you more about the packet. For example. when sending a packet you need to tell the CAN adapter how many bytes you wish to send, and to which ID to send it to.

There is more info here

You might want to pick apart their C example too, as one of the tasks it performs is stripping apart packets for the juicy data inside:

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Hi James,

Yes, it makes sense considering a multiple devices on the bus.
In my case I have only two so completely forgot about addressing. :slight_smile:

I have checked terminal dump for matching data and have found nothing…
Here is what CAN TOOL shows me:

And here is a terminal dump:

And thank you for docs! Looking at it right now

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Hi Eugene,

Could you tell us more about the CAN data? Is it coming from a sensor or vehicle or something? That could explain why it seems sort of random. Do the blocks of data appear in chunks at the same rate as in the USB CAN-A software? You’re right in that corrupted data is a bit hard to distinguish from real in the terminal. How many flashes of the LED do you get when you plug in the USB adapter (thus baudrate)?

HI James,

First of all, dongle flashes 3 times which corresponds to the 115200 baud rate

Secondly, my progect is to make a tool which reads diagnostic data from medical equipment controller (there is a CAN Bus diagnostic port there).

At this moment (thanks to the pdf you have provided) I have realised that changing to Fixed 20 bytes gives more meaningful data (in both Standard and Extended frames!):

BTW, is there a way to display data in ASCII format instead of hex?

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Hi Eugene,

BTW, is there a way to display data in ASCII format instead of hex?

Not that I know of in USBCAN, I usually prefer HEX and keep an ASCII table handy, but I understand that might not be too convenient on your end.

Eah, for reverse-engineering it makes the process quite tedious…
Thank you for your help, James!

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