Raspberry Pi Rain Radar & Weather Dashboard

Hey Tim,

I ran the audit fix on the 14.x and it is now working.




Well it was kind of working. It would pull weather data for a few hours then stop updating. After some checking and one email to Tomorrow.io they fixed my account settings and it has been working great since. For some reason my ā€œFree Accountā€ was being limited to 100 calls instead of the normal 500 calls per day.



I managed to get through all of the steps however my info panel is about half the width of the panel shown here and all of the metrics and graphs and squashed and not easy to read. How do I change this?


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Hi Alison,

Could you please post a photo of what your distortion looks like? If you could confirm which screen youā€™re using, thatā€™ll help us get to the bottom of this!


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image0 (2)
Thanks James - this is what it looks like on the display, its a 7" raspberry pi screen


Hey Alison, with my set up here I can hold the CTRL button on my keyboard and then rolling the mouse wheel I can zoom in and out of the page. It auto resizes itself for each click so then you can get the images and graphs to fill up the right side of the frame much better. Thatā€™ll fix it right up.


Iā€™ve managed to follow the tutorial, twice in case I missed something, and have had no luck getting the App to display a map or weather. API keys are all good, I ran the setup from scratch, first time on nodejs 17.x, the second time on the older nodejs 10.x, both I npm audit fix and npm audit fix --force, waited 30 mins on initialisation, restarted raspi (4) and waited again. No error message, just a black screen with a location pointer in the centre. Any clues?

Thanks for your time.


Hey hey mate,

Iā€™ve got a feeling itā€™s because youā€™re running the newer ā€˜Bullseyeā€™ Version of Raspberry Pi OS. The compatibility between NPM and this newer OS isnā€™t quite there yet (although Iā€™m sure theyā€™re working furiously to get it all up and working). To flash and utilise the earlier ā€˜Busterā€™ Version of Raspberry Pi OS use this guide here.

If that isnā€™t the reason or you still run into issues pop me another message and weā€™ll get it working together :slight_smile:


Hey Tim,
any idea how to fit the weather, flight radar and a news feed all in one bigger screen?


Hey mate,

Sounds like an ultra swell project. You can definitely overlay multiple APIs on top of each other and achieve your goals. Have a look at some smart mirror projects as these incorporate a lot of the ideas that you desire. Then it is just a matter of retrofitting those ideas into your project.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:



I setup my Pi Weather Station ~75 days ago and it has been working great. But about 50 days ago, I started receiving ā€œCannot retrieve map data, Did you enter an API key?ā€ error.

Just to make sure my Mapbox API key was working, I generated a new key and entered it into the config page. No change and on the Mapbox website, it shows there has been no request since the generation of the new key.

Yesterday, I read the post on your website concerning the NPM issue. So I followed the steps on your website to downgrade my Buster version. After re-installing the app and entering the API keys, no change (still getting the cannot retrieve map data error). Iā€™ve attached a copy showing my current OS version as well as version of Node installed.

Any suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Hey Mike,

Iā€™ve got a feeling that something odd is happening on Mapboxā€™s side. Perhaps one of their servers is down or undergoing maintenance.

I double-checked and have set up the Pi from the video here running the Pi Weather Station set up and it is working normally. It can take a couple of hours to become authenticated by MapBox but definitely not days long. Hopefully, they straighten it out within the next couple of days and itā€™ll all be back to normal, it may be worth popping them a quick email to see whatā€™s up.

If it doesnā€™t resolve then I will find us a new free Weather API that we can incorporate into the system.



Thanks for the replyā€¦ just curious, is there any CLI commands or a log file I can view to see what error might be generated by the call to Mapbox?

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Hey mate,

I reckon you can definitely do that. Failed API data (or successfully pulled data) responds back to the device a Status Code. I created a more grass roots level guide in regards to APIā€™s and Python Programming Language that you can find here. In that guide, I have a section on all the Status Codes you can receive.

I am sure there are some Log files that would have that Status code being produced. Otherwise, you can create a bare-bones Python Script just to ping Mapbox for data (in a similar manner as I do in this section of the same guide). That may be a faster way of seeing what Status Code response you get back.

Also as a side note, there is a limitation set by Mapbox in terms of how much data they will send to you, particularly since weā€™re utilising the free tier. It should provide enough data to run our Raspberry Pi system but perhaps (for whatever reason) you may have crossed that threshold.

Hope this helps and kind regards,



Much thanks for the links; they were VERY helpful. So hereā€™s what Iā€™ve accomplished and learned so farā€¦

  1. I setup Apache on my development RPi and then installed the mapbox-gl js
  2. I then used sample HTML/js code from the Mapbox website to display a map
  3. Using my default public token, I successfully displayed a map using the Mapbox HTML/js script
  4. I then used the same token from my HTML code and updated my pi-weather-station config using the same token.
  5. No change on my pi-weather-station webpage, still unable to retrieve map data but confirmed my token is valid/working.

The only difference I can find between my pi-weather-station RPi and my development RPi is the version of node & npm. Weather station is using v14 of node and v6.14 of npm. On the development it has v12.22 and v7.5 of npm.

So my next step is going to see how to upgrade my development RPi to the version of node & npm as on my weather RPi to see if that could be the source of my problem.


Happy to hear! If you scroll up there is a conversation I had with another fellow explaining exactly how to get the right Node NPM version. Hopefully that will be the final piece of the puzzle :blush:


Thanks a lot. What about itā€™s resultā€™s accuracy? I mean how accurately can it predict a rainy day?

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Well I did a fresh build and this time when I ran the curl script, I specified v12 of Node (versions below). But no joy, still having the same API map problem. Also confirmed Mapbox is not registering any API calls from Pi Weather app. So, guess the only option left now is to dig into the code.

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Did you get your weather app working? If so, could you post the version of Node and NPM installed on your RPi? Iā€™m trying to see if I can get mine working again using the same versions you have installed.

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Hello Mike,

Yes, I did and do have the weather app working.
I am running:

pi-weather-station@2.0.0 start /home/pi/Downloads/pi-weather-station
node ./server/index.js
pi-weather-station v2.0.0

I hope this helps,

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