SIM7600X 4g (b) Error

I have recently ordered a SIM7600G-H 4G HAT to use with the raspberry pi but get an error when following this tutorial: Waveshare SIM7600G-H 4G HAT for Raspberry Pi - Unlock Mobile Connectivity and GPS! - YouTube.

The output when I run the code in /home/pi/SIM7600X-4G-HAT-Demo/Raspberry/python/PhoneCall/ is the following:

SIM7600X is starting:
SIM7600X is ready
ATD[my phone number]; ERROR
ATD[my phone number]; back:
Call disconnected
SIM7600X is logging off:
Good bye

My phone does not get a call and the code just stops. I have tried replacing ttyS0 with ttyUSB1, ttyUSB2, ttyUSB3, and ttyUSB4 but none of them have worked. When running the code, the NET indicator led is solid red the entire time so I am wondering if it could be a bad SIM card if it is having trouble locating a network.

If anyone needs more information to solve this please respond. Thank you in advance.

Hi Nathan,

What sort of sim is it? Some can’t make calls like IoT-specific sims, so that might be something to check?

The next thing I’d do is peel back the abstraction provided by the Python code:

  • Turn on the HAT by copying the power on method from the phone demo code
  • Open a terminal session with the HAT over serial (minicom should do the trick)
  • Try calling the Pi, or running AT commands to call the phone, and see what you get back (the demo code just takes anything that’s not "OK" recieved from the HAT as an error, and you don’t get to see it

Let me know how you go, and if you have any troubles

I am using a Verizon 4G LTE SIM card that I got from an old phone. I don’t know if it can make calls but I could not get it to access the GPS or send messages either. When I tried ‘ATD;’ to make calls it just says OK and I do not get called. When I try ‘AT+CMGF=phone number;’ to send messages I got an error. I also tried ‘ATDphone number;’ without the <> but the error was NO CARRIER. I don’t know if I am doing this wrong or if I am just using an invalid SIM card.

Edit: I have also tried a Sprint SIM card but that also fails.