Small display desired for rpi4 big enough to see desktop

after even a phone size display with HDMI so that when one of my pi’s fall down i can quickly see whats happening.
just a small one would be ideal.
cheap is my preference.
have looked on here (Core E) but not found yet.


Hey Ian,

Not sure about your exact specifications for the size of the touchscreen? However, there’s a reasonably sized and priced 5-inch display here that may fit what you are after. I measured the sizing and its length is about the size of a phone screen, just a tiny bit wider than a phone.

Hope that helps in some way,


this is kool

ill look into getting one of these for troubleshooting etc
when connections or VNC fails etc
i currently swap out monitor lol

I also have old phones and laptop screens, but they do not seem to be usable :frowning:


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Hi Ian,

If you’re up to the task and keen on reusing panels you have, quite a few people have had success connecting driver boards to their laptop panels, here’s a video that goes over it:

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