USB Audio Adapter - Works with Raspberry Pi (ADA1475)

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The Raspberry Pi has an on-board audio jack, which is super handy for all kinds of sound effects and speech, just plug and go! However, for when you want better … read more

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The USB Audio adapter (works with raspberry pi) does not appear to mention whether the line-in is mono or stero. Are you able to confirm please? Also is it possible to use input and output at the same time? I’m looking to use the PI as a pass through equalizer for some DML speakers driven by a small separate amp.


Hey Chris,

Welcome to the forum!

I can confirm that this one is a stereo output. I also just did a quick test of this one on a Pi 4B and it works using the input and output line simultaneously. I have just updated the product page to reflect both of these.

Hope this helps!


Thanks for confirming the input and output can be used simultaneously. Are you able to confirm whether the microphone input/line in is mono or stereo?


Hey Chris,

I’ve just had a look at this, it does have a TRS socket so it seems it is a stereo connection, however we don’t have any stereo mics to test.

If you were after a bit more intel, I’d check in on the Adafruit Forums!


Hi Chris,

We’ve tested a unit, and found that while the connector is stereo, it’s a mono input to the PC.

Hopefully this isn’t a dealbreaker!


Hi James,

Thanks very much for confirming, I really appreciate the extra effort you’ve gone to here.

Unfortunately for my use case stereo input is required. I have since decided to simplify my initial design so this component isn’t required. I may look at a hat for the PI instead going forward


Hi Chris,

Keep in mind that while not ideal, you could use two of these USB sound cards in order to capture two channels, however this would rely on whatever records to be able to work with it.

Can I ask what you’re using it for? I might be able to suggest something else


I’m building DML speakers with a Raspberry Pi to equalize the sound as I understand they need the treble reduced.

My ideal setup was a single hat for the Pi which had stereo input and 10w per channel amp output. Closest I managed to find was the amp output and USB for input.

For now I have decided to drop the Raspberry Pi from the solution as this is primarily a test to see how they go.