Using a RFID PiicoDev module with Prototyping Cables

I have a question about using PiicoDev components with the prototyping cable when the expansion board is NOT used.

The Cable SKU: CE07796 PiicoDev Prototyping Cable (Male) 200mm for example has these notes on the cable colors
- Black for GND
- Red for V+ with PiicoDev and Qwiic boards that are 3.3V
- Blue for SDA GPIO16(Pin21)
- Yellow for SCL GPIO17(Pin22).

However, when I connect the RFID module in this way and run this code on the pico:
from PiicoDev_RFID import PiicoDev_RFID
from PiicoDev_Unified import sleep_ms
from PiicoDev_SSD1306 import *

rfid = PiicoDev_RFID() # Initialise the RFID module

print(‘Place tag near the PiicoDev RFID Module’)

while True:
if rfid.tagPresent(): # if an RFID tag is present
id = rfid.readID() # get the id
if (id == “CB:61:B8:08”):

I see this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 6, in
File “/lib/”, line 79, in init
File “/lib/”, line 284, in reset
File “/lib/”, line 95, in _wreg
OSError: [Errno 5] EIO

When using the PiicoDev Cable 100mm SKU: CE07773 which has a 4-wire harness with 1mm pitch SH connectors on each end, the code works as expected.

So my question is, how can I use the prototyping cable with the male headers for situations when I am not using an expansion board? Why is SDA associated with GPIO16(Pin21) and the SCL pin is associated with the GPIO17(Pin22)? What do SDA and SCL mean? Do I need to configure the SDA/SCL pins manually?

I note there are similar questions to this but I didn’t not find a solution yet.

Here are images of using the two different cables.

Hi @Timothy56227, Welcome to the Forums!!!

I think the issue may be stemming from using the wrong pins for the Piicodev connection.
According to the Schematic, the Pins for the Connector are on GP 8 and 9 (SCL:Pin 9, SDA:Pin 8)

PiicoDev is based on the I2C bus. They stand for Serial Data and Serial Clock.


Thank you Aaron, those PIN details work for me: Blue for SDA:Pin 8 and Yellow for SCL:Pin 9.

On a somewhat related topic, I need to share the 3.3V pin without the space for a breadboard. Is it a common practice to solder wires together to share this pin, or are there any parts sold for this purpose, such as jumper cables with more than two ends?

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Hey @Timothy56227,

You should be fine to solder wires together to share this pin.

‘Y cables’ or ‘Y splitters’ are the common terms for this cable type. While these cables do exist such as this 2-Way 2.1mm DC Barrel Jack Splitter Squid, it is normally easier to solder breadboard wires together for prototyping like this.

If you are after a temporary solution you could always connect 3 alligator clip cables to achieve a similar result.

Hope this helps! :grinning: