Piicodev Prototyping Cable

Hey there. I was wondering how I would go about coding a Piicodev module with the PiicoDev Prototyping Cable (Male) 200mm connected to the module and breadboard. The Rapsberry Pi Pico is my board of choice, and it would also be directly plugged into the breadboard.

Thanks for your help!

Hey @Ezra224017 - if you’d like to use the guide examples as-written then connect

  • Red to 3v3
  • Black to GND
  • Blue to GP8 (SDA)
  • Yellow to GP9 (SCL)

To use other I2C pins you need to define the bus and bus frequency you wish to use during initialisation eg. for a TMP117 temperature sensor that would be:

from machine import Pin
from PiicoDev_TMP117 import PiicoDev_TMP117

my_sensor = PiicoDev_TMP117(bus=0, sda=Pin(8), scl=Pin(9), freq=100_000)

I used the same pins in the example above to show the relation. sda and scl could be any of the Picos I2C pin pairs, where bus defines whether the pins are on the I2C0 or I2C1 bus.


I see, thanks for your help. Is there by any chance a way to maintain the daisy-chaining functionality without a second prototyping cable?

Also, I am assuming that the wiring you provided above Red to 3v3, Black to GND, Blue to GP8 (SDA), Yellow to GP9 (SCL) would work the same with the Piicodev Adapter for breadboards?

yes, that’s right.

I’m not sure I understand this part - once you have a connection between the microcontroller and your first PiicoDev device, any others can daisy chain off the first using PiicoDev Cables. If your module has a breakout header you can also solder pins to that header and make connections on a breadboard.

Sorry for the confusion. I was basically wondering if this would work with the temperature and light sensors daisy chained:

from machine import Pin
from PiicoDev_TMP117 import PiicoDev_TMP117
from PiicoDev_VEML6030 import PiicoDev_VEML6030

temp = PiicoDev_TMP117(bus=0, sda=Pin(8), scl=Pin(9), freq=100_000)
light = PiicoDev_VEML6030(bus=0, sda=Pin(8), scl=Pin(9), freq=100_000)

Absolutely :slight_smile: