Using an image to drive addressable RGBLEDs through ESP8266 running WLED

I was wondering if it would be possible to drive a strip of NeoPixel addressable RGBLEDs with an uploaded image. The width of the image corresponding with the amount of LEDs in a strip, and the height being whatever you like. The LEDs would display the color of the pixel it corresponds with on the width, and it would cycle through each pixel vertically and do the same for such. And I was wondering if this would be possible using the WLED app, because I am very inexperienced with it. There is no real reason for this, I just thought it would be an interesting way to control the LEDs. Sorry for the wild idea.

Hey Parker,
Welcome to the forums!

Pixel Art is possible through WLED. There is a great video here from Make It Work that might be helpful, he is using a matrix display, however with a bit of tweaking, you should be able to get it working the way you want to.
