Using ESP32 Board to control LEDs wirelessly

I am student and for my school project I need to control a set of digital pins wirelessly and I have tried using Blynk but ran into an issue. what happened was I tried doing a test using a slider with its datastream set to digital pin 13 (which was connected to a LED) and when I pressed the slider it turned the LED connected to digital pin 13 on but in to app it didn’t register the LED as being on as the slider had not changed position and therefore I was not able to turn the LED off.
(the board I am currently using is a ESP32 thing plus)

Does anyone have any recommendations for fixes or alternate software / boards to use to achieve this?
all help is appreciated

Hi Zos,

Welcome to the forum! Could you please send through a photo of how you have everything hooked up?

Hey James sorry for the late reply I only had class today I think I solved the problem as it worked using the mobile Blynk app it just didn’t work from the web dashboard


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Yeah BLYNK is the easiest method. You can also do this using the bluetooth: