Utilise ribbon cable to connect RPi 3B+ to Pimoroni Touch – HyperPixel 4.0 - Hi-Res Display for Raspberry Pi

Hi guys, would you be able to advise if i can utilise a 20cm M-F ribbon cable to connect a RPi 3B+ to Pimoroni Touch – HyperPixel 4.0 - Hi-Res Display, SKU: CE05548 ?

The flexibility to not have the screen mounted to the top of the RPi would be ideal for us

many thanks

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Hey Craig,

As long as the cable matches all of the connections and none of them are swapped it should be all good.
You might run into some issues with longer cables but 200mm should be good.

Mounting to the Screen shouldn’t be an issue using the PCB mounts to any method you like!
