Video Kiosk with MP4Museum - Video output

HI all,

I am looking for a solution for my local Junior football club. We want to use a TV we have spare as a digital signage board in our club canteen and the Raspberry Pi Video Kiosk with MP4Museum seems to be what we may need. It seems “idiot proof” and once set all I hope to have to do is users change the USB stick form time to time

But I have a few questions

  1. The site doesn’t have access to Internet will that be an issue in any way?

  2. I need to confirm if the Video output form the pi can be set to show in a Vertical format rather than traditional Landscape view. (Screen will be mounted on its side)

I am thinking I can use Powerpoint to create the MP4 slideshow then export that into MP4 format. If I do that I can set the layout to be Portrait but will I be able to set MP4 Museum to display it in Portrait also?

Appreciate if anyone can point me to docs confirming how to do this as I can not find anything


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Hi Rob,

No internet connection is needed from setup through to use.

The videos will play as rendered. So if you render them 16:9 vertical, then that’s how they will play. It simply plays the files without any adjustment, whatsoever.

I hope that intel helps!