Waveshare 2.8inch LCD 320×240 (CE06725)

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Hi there, I recently bought a waveshare lcd screen for a raspberry pi project I’m doing. unfortunately i think the screen is faulty. Is there anyway to get a new one and return? thank you.

Hi Alex, welcome to the forum!

Before we reach for an RMA, could you share the following?:

  • A photo of how you have everything hooked up
  • What code are you using to write to the display? Have you followed any setup guides?
  • What OS are you running?

Keen to get to the bottom of this one with you :slight_smile:

Hey James!

Here are the photos! I’m trying to build a popular raspberry pi build, Simpsons tv. I have a raspberry pi zero attached. I was running raspberry pi buster lite. But when I attached the pi to run the os nothing would show on the screen. The pi was running but couldn’t get the screen to work.

Thanks James, appreciate your help!

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Hi Alex,

Just checking, the Pi will be trying to output on HDMI by default unless told how to talk to that LCD, have you installed the driver from here? GitHub - waveshare/LCD-show

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Hey James,

I did download a driver for the screen from the build tutorial, it wasn’t the exact link you sent me, it was this one. https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/File:28DPIB_DTBO.zip
Do you think that this could be the issue?

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Hey Alex,

Its possible that the driver versions caused some sort of issue, try with the link that James has sent through there and if it doesn’t work, let us know so that we can get it sorted.


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Hi there,

I understand it has been some time, but I’m just curious about this screen. I had a similar issue where the screen wouldn’t even turn on. I tried to follow the instructions given on the core electronics website. Do they work with the github LCD-show drivers? Would I follow the tutorial the same way, but use this resource instead of the waveshare one? That plus sudo ‘./LCD28-show’

Apologies again for reopening, I suspect I’m missing something.

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Hi @Hari275882, Welcome to the Forums!!!

Following the instructions in the Wiki is the best way to go through this.

From what I can tell they are the same drivers from the GitHub

You just need to check the printing on the back of the bord to see if you have a V1 or a V2 display to know if you need to use sudo ./LCD28-show or sudo ./LCD28-show-V2

Hi there Aaron,

I’ve followed along the Wiki, and made sure to do command sudo ./LCD28-show-V2 as my board says Rev2.1, to no avail. I’m using a Raspberry Pi Zero WH. The system reboots and displays through HDMI, but the LCD is still appearing to be fully off - no backlight or anything.

To be safe, I also followed the instructions on Rev2.1 PWM backlight adjustment function - and continued on despite WiringPi being deprecated. I managed to find it on github and get some backlight control through the ‘gpio’ command, but still no cigar on getting an actual output.
Do I need to mess around in config files or disable hdmi output or something?


Hi Hari,

sudo ./LCD28-show 
sudo ./LCD28-show-V2

Are there any errors output when you run these? And which method of driver installation did you use?

Hey there Jack,

No output errors, Pi reboots as it should but the screen still does not come online. I’ve used both the methods of flashing the sd card with the drivers preinstalled, as well as installing them myself if that’s what you’re asking.


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Which OS are you using?
I’ve found in a few GitHub forum posts that the config file needs to be changed as Bookworm is a bit different.

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I’ve tried with Bookworm and Bullseye, with the changes you’ve outlined in the Github forum… no dice still. It might not actually be possible. I’ve had success with the 3.5" model that uses HDMI… but I can’t seem to get this model working. Is it effectively deprecated?

Hey @Hari275882,

Just confirming, you have had the 3.5in LCD display working with this same RPi? Checking so we can eliminate some variables.

I’m also assuming you’ve checked the hardware connection? (not that its a particularly complicated one.)

It’s strange that your LCD is giving no signs of life (e.g. no backlight). Have you confirmed that the screen is actually being powered at all?

These are a few things I figure are worth checking. I’ll give some more thought to this and get back to you if I think of anything more helpful!