Waveshare 4G SIM7600X HAT - Internet Connectivity with Raspberry Pi 4B (8GB)

The Waveshare 4G HAT is working perfectly well; I followed Tim’s instructions on here, and they worked perfectly well. (*Thanks Tim, by the way!!)

My issue is how to make my Waveshare 4G HAT access the internet using its 4G capabilities. I saw a discussion recently where a link to Twilio was suggested, which sounded like a great idea, but it only seemed to work with their Super SIM Card.

The link to the Twilio’s Super SIM instructions; Get Started with Super SIM, the Raspberry Pi 4 and the Waveshare 4G Hat | Twilio

Is there a way to translate those instructions from Twilio onto a regular 4G SIM Card by Telstra? I’m currently bypassing all of this by using a 4G USB Dongle as a backup, but would like to get the 4G HAT up and running if possible.

Matty :slight_smile:

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Hey Matty,

To connect in using a Telstra Sim, you will need to get the APN set up with the hat after installing all necessary drivers. This will allow communication between the hat and the 4G network. Usually with this hat its recommended to use Minicom so that may be worth installing.

Then you will use a command like the following:


If telstra.internet is causing errors, you can try using telstra.wap in its place.

From there try and run the following command to see if there is communication:


Hopefully that gets you on a path to getting this project up and running!


In the configuration interface, locate the network settings or cellular settings section. Enter the APN information provided by Telstra in the appropriate fields. This information tells the device how to connect to the mobile network.